
I´ve been using Ubuntu since Dapper (and have also used Kubuntu,
Fluxbuntu, Nubuntu...) and have been using Ubuntu Studio now since it
came out under Feisty last year.  Never before have I seen this sort
of behavior, but when I installed the Gutsy version of Ubuntu Studio,
my single quote key on my laptop keyboard started misbehaving.

Essentially, when I hit the single quote key, on the first click,
nothing happens, or sometimes my computer will beep at me but it won´t
print the quote.  Usually, the single quote appears after the second
click of the key.  Also, the single quote is not the standard tick
mark, but is rather a very sloped single quote.  Not sure if the slope
comes across or not in this email. ( ´ )

The machine is a Thinkpad X60.  Anyone have any ideas?  This is
strange behavior.  Thanks!

- Darrin

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