>         >         (copying the info from ...grub isn't "behaving", but
>         just from
>         >         my
>         >         looking at .../menu.lst, all that's listed are two
>         different
>         >         8.04 LTS
>         >         kernels:
>         >
>         >         2.6.24-28-generic
>         >         &
>         >         2.6.24-19-generic
>         >
>         >         Nothing in the file about 10.04...,
>         >
>         >         I also don't see a file for .../menu.cfg , is that
>         supposed to
>         >         be in the
>         >         Grub folder?
>         >
>         >         Mischa
>  grub1 was installed with the 8.04 version... then, GRUB2 is installed
> with the 10.04 version.. SO basically what i am assuming is currently
> installed on the computer is this configuration, a 10.04 GRUB2 install
> that is not finding the 8.04 version and booting it... is this
> correct??

IIUC he just looked at the /boot/grub/menu.lst of his outdated GRUB, he
might or might not have a /boot/grub/menu.cfg on another partition, but 
obviously he gets those Xubuntu 8.04 kernels when pressing Esc.

@ Mischa, usually there is just a menu.lst or just a menu.cfg in the
path /boot/grub. You might have more, but one partition ;).

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