> Umm,  maybe the same could be said for Gnome3...
> Rather than dump it (or Unity which will apparently be the "default"
> Ubuntu desktop) for yet another DE which itself has pros and cons.
> Being direct, I haven't seen a "viable" argument yet for why a change is
> necessary. Except perhaps that some folks don't like Gnome3.
> And sorry, that's not a whine. Its me stating the truth as I see it.
> Mike
hey mike

check out gnome3 here http://www.gnome3.org/tryit.html and see what you
think. assuming gnome3 is an acceptable DE for ubuntustudio, it cannot be
disputed that it is a drastic change from gnome2, and its arguable that XFCE
is actually more like gnome2 than gnome3 is. i have been hanging out in the
#gnome channel on freenode looking into what 'compatibility mode' is in
gnome3, and how to get it running, and if it is indeed the same as gnome3,
and if it is going to be part of gnome3 in the long term. to quote from the
IRC channel 'gnome2 is dead'. that being said, feel free to actually go and
check out gnome3 for yourself, and report on its functionality. thanks

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