Op 20-10-10 18:29, David Planella schreef:
> El dc 20 de 10 de 2010 a les 10:50 +0900, en/na Fumihito YOSHIDA va
> escriure:
>> Hi David and all,
> Thanks a lot for your input.
> If I understand you correctly, I believe you are referring to the
> creation of a global glossary for translation terms.
> I personally think that this is something that every team should take
> care of, and it is something that we recommend to be in their
> translation guidelines [1], as only the people familiar with the given
> language know best which terms and how they need to be translated.
We, Ubuntu Dutch translators use the following site a lot:
I can recommend it to all translators.
> However, I do see the value in creating a global glossary that teams
> could use as a template and simply translate.
> There were efforts in that direction some time ago:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2009-December/003170.html
> If this is an area you believe to be important, and would like to see it
> improved, I'd very much encourage you to revive that effort, or lead a
> new project to create a global translation glossary (or memory) for all
> teams. I'll certainly be glad to help, as I'm sure other people on the
> list will be.
>> Do we need "English = English translation" ?  :
>>   - For translation works, many "paraphrase" creates good translations.
>>     (see also: "Paraphrasing Social from the start"[2])
>> Any ideas?
> Again, that is something that needs to be discussed within each team.
> We, in Catalan, for example tend to adhere to the practice of trying to
> translate everything and not rely on English terms, where it applies
> (e.g. we translate "software" to "programari", but we do not translate
> e.g. "Rhythmbox")
We often have discussions on what to translate and what not. In the 
Netherlands many English terms are used, especially computer terms. 
Words like software, hardware, update, link, backup, printer are not 
translated. But if there is a good Dutch alternative, I personally 
prefer to use the Dutch word, e.g. backup = reservekopie. But what does 
the average user prefer? My opinion is this: experienced users prefer 
the English terms, especially when they are technical, e.g. backend. 
When users are new to Ubuntu, it depends on whether they have experience 
with other operating systems or not. For absolute beginners it doesn't 
matter, both will be new to them. This is just my personal opinion.

> Regards,
> David.
> [1]
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/TranslationGuidelines

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