may i add from what i have seen in terms of building for windows its a
royal pain in the rump. the way things are right now for chromium cannot be
nearly as bad as trying to build an installer for it

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 4:27 PM, Michael Bauer <> wrote:

>  Chrome is the version of Chromium as packaged by Google. I believe there
> are minor differences between the two but nothing major. I have been test
> running the Chromium nightly for the last 2 weeks and can't see much of a
> difference to be honest from the end user POV.
> All the best in your exams! I'm sure that after waiting 3 years it can
> wait a bit longer and maybe some other folk would be interested too in
> making a decent version of Chromium available on Mac/Windows too.
> Michael
> 09/04/2013 15:20, sgrìobh Jonathan Aquilina:
> I am more then willing to help and I was thinking on the translation front
> some how integrating pootle into the whole mess for translations. thing is
> I cannot work on this right now sadly as I am gearing up for exams. :(
>  what is the difference between chromium and chrome?
> --
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Jonathan Aquilina
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