I am more then willing to help and I was thinking on the translation front
some how integrating pootle into the whole mess for translations. thing is
I cannot work on this right now sadly as I am gearing up for exams. :(

what is the difference between chromium and chrome?

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org> wrote:

>  What I don't get is that there is no proper Windows installer, you have
> to grab a nightly, unzip, move to the programs folder, manually do a
> shortcut and hope it's not buggy...
> I would welcome any development that gets us a sane path to localized
> Chromium versions that are easy for folk to install and update but I'm
> afraid I'm only a translator so I can't offer help coding.
> Michael
> 09/04/2013 14:39, sgrìobh Jonathan Aquilina:
> im tempted to fork it and work on things on my own. What I dont get is why
> release it as a 32bit browser?
> --
> *Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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Jonathan Aquilina
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