On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 20:23 +0000, Alan Pope wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 19:33 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> > What I had in mind was more something by way of freely available
> > community support.
> I always find that a little tricky.
> For me (whether right or wrong) I like to choose how and when I
> contribute to the community. As with everyone else I have a limited
> amount of time to spend between this/that/theother. I also (as with
> everyone else) have requirements to pay bills and feed myself and the
> family.

That's normal of course. No one is going to judge you for giving up your
free time to do equally valuable things elsewhere in the community!! But
it doesn't mean that no one will have some free time that they can give
in this way.

Separate to that is the idea that Caroline has mentioned about people
who would charge modest sums for helping on an individual basis. This
would essentially involve setting up something like an "individual's
marketplace", or at least expanding the current marketplace. It raises
lots of problems which you were getting at in your earlier post, such as
whether we need to help protect people by establishing some kind of
quality control, or whether such a marketplace would regulate itself. I
tend to think that if done right, it would regulate itself, but I think
it's the kind of project that should be discussed with the Canonical
support team, in order to fit in with their plans for the marketplace.

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