On 29/01/07, Alan Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 22:20 +0000, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> Hi all,
> I haven't been following the list too closely lately but I've just a
> quick look through some of the comments about this subject. I hope
> this hasn't already been said but I'd suggest people join their local
> LUG!

I completely agree. LUGs are great! :) They can provide a great
problem-solving resource, a sounding board, or just a place to chat when
you're bored/lonely/in need of a beer/coffee/absinthe.

In addition I have around a dozen good friends I have met through my
local LUG.

> I've found the people in mine to be very helpful and are quite
> willing to come and meet you somewhere if you have a problem which
> face to face help would be good for - usually they suggest for the
> cost of a pint!!

Yup, mine too. I don't think I would have anywhere near the level of
technical knowledge about Linux if it were not for my local LUG(s).


I get the idea from the forum that the aim of the game is for everyone to
become fully OSS literate! I have minimal technical knowledge- but I was
wondering if there might be people in the Skipton area interested in forming
a local LUG- the nearest at the moment is York?  Caroline



London School of Puppetry

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