On 4/27/07, Phil Bull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Robin,

On Fri, 2007-04-27 at 15:58 +0100, Robin Menneer wrote:
> On 4/27/07, David Morley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Robin there is a tool third from the right in edit photo that
>         says
>         adjust angle of picture
>         --
>         Seek That Thy Might Know
>         --
>         ubuntu-uk@lists.ubuntu.com
>         https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk
>         https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UKTeam/
> David
> I make it that the third from the right in edit photo is *adjust the
> photo colours* and cannot see anything there that says *adjust angle
> of picture*.  I've also looked in the edit at the top of the page and
> not found it.  Am I being more dumb than usual, please.

According to the F-Spot News page [1], the 'Straighten' feature was
added for F-Spot 0.3.2, released in January this year. If I remember
correctly, you're using Ubuntu Dapper and so will have an earlier
version of F-Spot which doesn't have this feature. The F-Spot in Ubuntu
Feisty does have this feature.



[1] - http://f-spot.org/News

Phil Bull

Thanks.  Didn't know abouit the f-spot page, but a brief look at it doesn't
encourage me but I'll look again.
Towards the end of this week I'm likely to get a brand new Intel mac mini
and naturally I want to use Ubuntu on it.  Even having read about all the
Feisty bugs reported on  this list recently, I am tempted to go for Feisty
because of the ability to use f-spot the same as iphoto (and then I can
persuade my missus to switch from iphoto).  I'm afraid that The Gimp is not
an option for me at the moment due to work pressures but I look forward to
grappling with it later on.
Firstly am I being stupid, and ought to wait until the novelty of Feisty has
worn off and it has become reliable?  If not, how should I load Fiesty
bearing in mind that I have never burnt a disc and didn't load Daffy myself,
having had it done as a turn-key job for me?  I'm happy to learn how to run
in Ubuntu, except I'm finding learning, these days, an uphill job because I
can no longer remember sequences and my handwriting is getting difficult to
read.  The help I got with loading f-spot was super.
Yrs    Robin



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