
As per the last ubuntu-uk meeting i've been working on the ubuntu-uk.org 
website. Porting it over to the current ubuntu main page design and 
adding some features.

- Drop down menu with all the wiki pages on
- Banner image rotates round various pictures of the UK

The development version of the site is at http://www.ubuntu-uk.org/dev/ 
Please post any feedback.

Once this site is acceptable we can then switch it over to the live site.

Things to consider doing (longer term): Calendar, photo gallery and 
integrating mailing list/planet/pastebin/forum/launchpad team? into main 
page, getting it xhtml strict validating wai etc


Michael Wood

/\/\ichael [ [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ]
  \/\/ood  [ http://michaelwood.me.uk ]


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