Sakjur wrote:
> 2007/9/27, Eddie Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     Having read the submission by the Global Institute  (PDF)
>     <
>     >
>     and this scary bit of nonsense Linux to finally kill Windows'
>     <>(who wrote this - anybody
>     know?), I'm
>     wondering if Ubuntu-UK should add it's weight to this argument and
>     submit an 'informed' opinion to the debate.
>     What do we think about this proposal?
>     My personal, unbiased opinion (to be qualified later): Is "Yes! Yes!
>     Yes! Go for it, Yerp!!!!" but then I've always been the quiet type
>     :-)
>     Eddie
>     --
> <>
> Hey... EU is evil! They're just like USA! I don't like an United 
> States of Europe...
> And they also force a lot stupid things... they force our armies in 
> war "to defence the inhabitants..."
> The only good thing they ever done is the debate against Microsoft...
> Have you read that the second leader of EU would like EU to censor 
> some sentances... like: howto build bomb and so on..
> That's only my opinion...
> // Emil
I would have said comparing the EU to the USA is a bit of a stretch, at 
least we have a say in the EU. I believe they have also shielded us in 
the UK from a lot of new draconian laws. When it's a choice between daft 
and draconian I know which I would pick ;-) But anyway that's a little 
off subject.

My personal opinion is it would be great to septate the OS from the 
machine and give Ubuntu a chance; but, then I think how would I feel if 
I went out, brought a toaster and it wouldn't make my toast until I had 
toasted a dozen pop-tarts :-)



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