Hi Dougie,

On Sun, 2007-10-21 at 20:24 +0100, Dougie Richardson wrote:
> I agree with this, although I'm not aware of the distribution of members
> of the group, if this was to prove popular then there are two problems:
> 1.  How would the cost of travel be covered? I'm all for volunteering
> but not if it starts to cost my significantly in expenses.

There is nothing that says "we" have to do site visits at all. "Free"
support could be via the traditional methods such as forums, irc and
mailing list.

If you built a relationship with a customer and said you would like to
make a site visit and charge them for that then that's entirely up to

> 2.  How would Canonical feel about this? Essentially we would be
> reducing their oppertunity for any kind of commercial support option
> that might be considered in conjunction with Tesco.

But we already _do_ provide such support.


There for example you can see some support questions I have either
commented on or answered. This is free. This is support.

> This is already by far the most active mailing list that I subscribe to
> and would not care to see a significant increase in traffic. Why not a
> forum as there is for Dell?

We have one:- http://uk.ubuntuforums.org/


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