Dougie Richardson wrote:
> 1.  How would the cost of travel be covered? I'm all for volunteering
> but not if it starts to cost my significantly in expenses.
Well, I have to say, I'd considered that this wasn't really us doing 
anything new beyond what we're already doing... More us realising that 
the demographic of the Ubuntu-using community is at a tipping point, and 
trying to make sure that people realise that Ubuntu-UK exists as a 
community (and help to promote Ubuntu in the process.)
> 2.  How would Canonical feel about this? Essentially we would be
> reducing their oppertunity for any kind of commercial support option
> that might be considered in conjunction with Tesco.

I'll stick in some boiler-plate about "This initiative is a community 
project staffed by volunteers keen to help bridge the digital divide, 
and not endorsed by Tesco or Canonical (the makers of Ubuntu)."



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