> > As I have just got recently got myself sorted with a Launchpad login,
> > and have been lurking on this mailing list for a few months, I thought
> > it may be about time to introduce myself.
> >
> > My name is Mark Burns, I'm a Web Developer from the South West of
> > Scotland, and I have been using Ubuntu for about 2 years or since
> > version 5.10.
> >
> > So there we go, short, brief, and unfortunately sounding too much like
> > an introduction given at an AA meeting (not that I have been to one
> > yet .....).
> >
> > The words stop, hole and digging spring to mind lol!
> >
> > Mark.
> >
> Hi Mark :) Glad to see you've moved on from the lurking, it's a nasty
> habit don't you know :D

Hi Mark,

Welcome to the group mate!



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