On 20/01/2008, Chris Oattes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A. Because it makes things easier to read
> Q. Why should people bottom post?
> Kirrus said the following on 20/01/08 22:43:
> >
> >>>> Wandering off at a tangent? We never _ever_ do that! ;)
> >>> /me thinks about breaking open a chocolate orange...
> >>>
> >>> Ah, tap and unwrap..... I can taste it now :-)
> >> .... but the instructions now say "strike" not "tap" ....
> >>
> >
> > Its more like smash on a hard surface, with great relish. At least,
> thats how I break mine...
> >
> > Kirrus
> >
> > ps Ian, can you try to not top post please?
> > (Pretty please, with pink sugar icing on top?)
> >
> > pps
> > I apologise if this post contains more elaborate wording than I normally
> use. In the middle of writing a PBEM RPG post...
> >

I frickin' love chocolate oranges!

Additionally..... OMG FLAME WAR!!! TOP POST WAR!

(Enter: all people that believe in the bottom posting religion)


Kris Douglas
      Softdel Limited Hosting Services

      Web: www.softdel.net

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