----- "Ian Pascoe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yo Mark
> Welcome to the group - as you've been a lurker for a little while now
> we'll
> expect full participation in all areas - especially those that go
> wandering
> off at tangent!
> E

Wandering off at a tangent? We never _ever_ do that! ;)

/me thinks about breaking open a chocolate orange...

Mark Burns wrote:
> My name is Mark Burns, I'm a Web Developer from the South West of
> Scotland, and I have been using Ubuntu for about 2 years or since
> version 5.10.


Another web dev! There is a couple of others around here somewhere :)
What languages do you work in, if you don't mind me asking?

Blog: http://www.kirrus.co.uk
UK Plone Hosting: http://www.plone-hosting.co.uk

Captain Senaris Vlenn, CO, USS Sarek
Lt Aieron Peters, XO DS5


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