On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Ciemon Dunville <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/03/2008, Chris Rowson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >  I'm not being awkward, but it's harder to consider this the definitive
>  >  ubuntu-uk podcast if the ubuntu-uk team (as a whole) have had very
>  >  little to do with it.....
>  Chris,
>  Has anything actually changed? All that's happened is that the first
>  podcast is out. All of the points on that page are still valid, and I
>  think it's important that contributions are made by everyone.
>  Without those contributions it some might argue that it is the
>  Ubuntu-UK podcast. But, the four of us live close together, with some
>  decent quality recording gear and can meet regularly. I believe we've
>  set the base level of content and quality, it's done, started, and I
>  hope now, that the enthusiasm in that list will come forward in
>  contributions.
>  Cheers
>  Ciemon

I'm mega tired at the moment, I've had flu for a few days now and I
can't be bothered to debate this to be fair. I'll say what I've got to
say and then I'll shut up.

I think it must have occured to you that some people who had
'volunteered' to help create a podcast may be a little surprised to
find that it suddenly arrived out of the blue.

Unfortunately ubuntu-uk is an informal group and people can't make
overriding 'executive' decisions to "deliberately keep people out of
the loop" (as Al suggests) of community based projects. What we do as
ubuntu-uk we should always try to do with a common consensus. We can't
decide not to involve people because we mightn't like their

That's my whinge over with. I'm just asking you to consider if you
could have done this differently?

>From a constructive POV. I've have listened to the podcast and it's
not bad at all.  I'm sure it will develop over time as presenters find
their personalities etc.  If I have any criticism it would be of the
music. It's a bit naff and I don't like it. That's just me though!



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