On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Kris Douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ciemon Dunville wrote:
> > > Last weekend four of us got together, with four microphones and some
> > > other gadgets to do a little recording.
> > >
> > > The last few days has seen some frantic activity editing audio files,
> > > and web pages so that we could launch the podcast.
> > >
> > > I could post a lot more here, but I think I'll let the site and
> > > podcast introduce themselves.
> > >
> > > Ladies and Gents..... http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/
> >
> >
> Well, I don't know why you are all moaning, you have just been presented
> with a nice new podcast that you can influence, evolve and contribute to...
> Have some gratitude to these people that spent their time creating an
> incredibly nice website, a great first episode/pilot and something to give
> Ubuntu-Uk a bit more of a voice.
> Thank you for creating this, it will be a really good thing for the
> Ubuntu-UK guys to work on. Fantastic!
> --

I also enjoyed the show.  I can't see why people don't like the music, there
is not too much of it, its fun and upbeat and completely different to
anything else.

I think the interviews really made the show.  I can't stand podcasts with
just rehashed news and the general BS and swearing that goes on.

The TWIT.tv network produces a show called FLOSS WEEKLY, ironically about
twice a year, but the main attraction of the show is the interviews with
open source people.  I hope the Ubuntu-UK podcasters can get enough great
interviews recorded to continue the brilliant start they have made with
episode 1.


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