Is it not just that its stealing a bit for the Graphics?

I have had a mobo die on me, but it was my fault, I'd been using a 300W PSU
on a dual-core system (too lazy to go buy a new one)... didnt stop me
claiming a new one off the warrenty though ;]... though I did get round to
getting a 600w PSU =D

Oh, and theres something up with a board I happen to have by me, somethings
overheating, (checked out RAM, PSU and CPU, and its not them) but since its
a 800mhz system, I couldnt care less lol

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:29 PM, Farran Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 18:43 +0100, Chris Smith wrote:
> andylockran wrote:> Andrew Oakley wrote that he'd only had two motherboards 
> die in the> last 20 years.> > I've not been so lucky, putting down around 5 
> of my PCs failings to> the motherboard dying (albeit through some kind of PSU 
> surge in a> couple of cases).> > So how common is it?  Have you had a 
> motherboard die on you?
> I've had 4 in the space of a 2 weeks :) Turns out the PSU was toastedand was 
> blowing each of the newly RMA'd boards up. Lesson learnt paysome money for a 
> decent PSU because I've never lost a board afterinvesting in a decent one.
> Chris
> slightly off the motherboard branch: just checked my system info, and it
> now says I have 1.9GB memory instead of 2! Definitely sending it back now...
> ===================================
> Farran Lee
> I'm only 15 :P
> --

Mr JE Grabham

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