Mac wrote:
> I have Liferea installed on a laptop and a desktop (both connected to my 
> home LAN).  Currently, I have the same feeds on both.  When reading on 
> one machine, I just click past material I think I've already read on the 
> other.
> But this is getting tiresome now that I have a lot of feeds, and I'd 
> like to be able to sync the two copies of Liferea, so that I see a 
> single version whichever machine I happen to be using.  Sadly, extensive 
> searching on the internet suggests that setting this up is tricky and messy.
> Any of you clever folks found an idiot-proof way of doing this?
> Mac

If they're both on the same lan, it should just be a matter of syncing 
the .liferea folder in your home directories.



John Levin


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