On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Alan Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 10:32 +0100, Eddie Armstrong wrote:
>> Alan Pope wrote:
>> > I'm currently working on something like this, but not specifically for
>> > screencasts, but for any kind of video. It could of course be used for
>> > screencasts.
>> >
>> >
>> Is it the kind of thing that can be used for instant support the way
>> Jing can?
> Yes. Although at the moment it has a moderator system which means videos
> aren't live until a moderator checks and accepts them. Suggestions for
> alternative methods welcome.
>> (I'm not promoting this product it just sounds lika a Linux version
>> would be very useful idea for Ubuntu support)
> Agreed.
>> It would be nice if rmd also saved as something more than ogg - a
>> nuisance having to convert it if needed afterwards.
> The site I am working on does the video conversion for you. You just
> upload an ogg/avi/whatever and it gets converted (at the moment) to
> a .flv video which plays in a browser flash based plugin (yes yes, I
> know flash is evil). An alternative might be the java based ogg player,
> but I've not looked into that yet.

Ogg embedded directly in HTML works fine in Ubuntu for me (out of the
box, meaning no Java install required). Example:


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