On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 16:46 +0100, Eddie Armstrong wrote:
> Looks interesting do you envisage a YouTube for original content?

Kind of, yes. But of course we can't compete with all the other video
sites out there, so we need a unique selling point (or two). At least
part of that would be a compliance with the CoC for content. Having a
built in Ubuntu upload tool would also help.

> I think it's how its tied together that will determine its success.
> It's got to be v quick and simple to use - If you get a GUI support 
> question one to start, run through sequence, one click click to add to 
> mail, IM, ftp.
> And it's got to be pretty.

I agree.

> They haven't totally ruled out a linux version but from their support team

Support != management. The FAQ clearly says no linux version. We can of
course hope that they make a Linux version, but Techsmiths track record
isn't great on that.


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