2008/11/2 Ken Robson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Since I installed 8.10 64bit as a fresh install, when I eject a cd
> (using right click eject) it immediately closed it again before I have
> time to remove the cd.
> Due to the high number of issues I am going to be removing it and trying
> a different distro.

Ken, alternatively you could use (or stay with) Hardy Heron until this issue
gets sorted. Hardy is robust and only six months old, which, by the release
cycle standards of some distributions and operating systems, is positively
bleeding edge.

If you find the inevitable bug-squashing and glitch-hunting that occurs post
new releases to be tiresome, you can just stay with the previous release for
6-8 weeks or so, until the most irksome issues are dealt with by the

Some people enjoy life on the bleeding edge, others need more stability. The
previous release is always there to cater for the latter ;)


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