2008/11/2 Robert Leverington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello Alan,
> Alan Pope wrote:
>> I'm quite staggered that you think an entire OS release should be
>> delayed for this! I personally use my CDROM drive once in a blue moon.
> A lot of people still use optical media on a regular basis, for example
> I use it to make inexpensive off-site backups of my Ubuntu system and
> watch DVDs on my computer and laptop.

Which illustrates my point perfectly. Thank you. The fact that some
people use their optical drive whilst others rarely touches it shows
me that it's by no means a release critical bug. If it was a crucial
component like the CPU didnt work under Ubuntu then yes, I'd class
that as critical.

However the fact is that a) it's in the upgrade release notes, which
links to the bug, b) the bug not only describes a workaround but a
solution so c) there is a more effective solution that described in
the release notes. Take a moment to read the entire bug report and
comments and you will see that this is much less of an issue that
people are making out.

I'm not arguing that the CD isnt an essential item or that it doesnt
matter that it doesnt work, but the fact that it _does_ work, and it
_is_ possible to work around this issue.



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