Or you could get a wireless router that can be flashed with a custom firmware; then you can use it as a network bridge. (the wireless acts as a client of the homehub and you bridge the wired segment with the wireless one)

Robert Dorrian

On 17 Dec 2008, at 23:47, "Simon Wears" <munkyju...@googlemail.com> wrote:

I never thought about the powerline option. Running a cable to my room is a bit out the question though unfortunately. Powerline networking is something that would work nicely though, as from looking into wireless solutions a bit more I found that most wireless routers don't support network bridging. the Apple Airport extreme I was recommended seems to do everything I need, it's just quite pricey.

Thanks for pointing that out, you may have saved me a small fortune!


2008/12/17 Tony Pursell <a...@princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk>
On 17 Dec 2008 at 21:08, Simon Wears wrote:

> Hey all!
> I've been thinking about what I'm going to do network-wise when I get home > from university, since I was the only one still using a wired connection in > the house, when I left they got a BT homehub so the house is now fully > wireless. This is a problem for me - I used to have a phone line in my room > for the internet (it was deemed necessary when we were on dial-up, I was > never off the net), but the hub is now on our 'home' line, with the only > socket being downstairs. So, it can't be moved upstairs for me - and running
> a cable upstairs isn't an option either.
> I have too many networked devices to upgrade them all to wireless (plus I > prefer wired stuff), so I'm looking for a router that has both wireless N > and gigabit ethernet ports. The catch is, it needs to be able to connect to > the homehub, so the router acts as a wired router in my room, but also has a
> wireless link to the homehub, and the interweb.
> Anyone know of anything which may be able to help? A friend suggested
> Apple's Airport extreme base station (
> http://store.apple.com/uk/product/MB053?mco=Mjg4NjM1Mw) but I though I'd ask > if anyone knew of anything that may be able to fix my problem better.
> This isn't too much of an issue at the moment, since I'm living in
> university accommodation, and MMU network administers seem to frown upon > having multiple PC's connected. I'm just thinking ahead a few months.
> Cheers, Simon.

Possible solution is to use Powerline (or similar) adapters to carry the
network across the mains from a point near the Home Hub (all
versions have at least 2 ethernet ports) to a point in your bedroom,
then have a cheap router to connect all your kit in the bedroom.

Or, if it's possible, just run ethernet cable from the Home Hub to your




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