
Alan Pope wrote:
> 2008/12/18 Sean Miller <>:
>> Personally I'd do the power line - it's simple.
> Another +1 for powerline. I actually use mine in two ways with 4
> develo devices although of course you can use 2 as a minimum.
> I have one attached to the switch near the cable modem. Another is in
> the kitchen attached to a laptop which has no wireless adapter. A
> third is in the lounge attached to a Fon wifi access point so that I
> get a really good signal in that part of the house. The last is a
> 'spare' one that I sometimes use with my laptop when I have large
> files to transfer but can't be arsed to walk to the den :)

That's answered my question to Sean, but you seem to have to buy these
things in pairs. Is that the case?

Tony Arnold,                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6093
Head of IT Security,                Fax: +44 (0) 870 136 1004
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