On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 8:58 AM, Ian Pascoe
<softy.lofty....@btinternet.com> wrote:
> If I wanted to set up a file / mail server at home, and be able to connect to 
> it through the internet, if the ADSL
> connection is dynamic, how does the DNS server (I presume that's the only way 
> of maintaining the link) know the
> correct IP address to link to after the ADSL connection has been dropped and 
> comes up again with a new IP
> address?

You can set up a dynamic dns service with various folks across the
internet - what happens is that your server sends updates to the
server to keep it informed as to what IP it is on.  From memory it's a
cron job or something similar, running every 5 minutes or so.

See http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/

> I presume that if the servre was physically moved to a different location, it 
> wouldn't matter as long as whatever
> method satisfys the previous question, it would just re-connect itself and be 
> off?




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