Imho, a great place to advertise would be the morning star newspaper:
Its socialist/communist, so it would be good targeted advertising
(since socialism/communism=no to capitalism eg big companies like
The circulations not bad at about 50,000 copies sold per day, compared
to the guardians 350,000
Advertising rate are (quote the contact us page) "from £1.42 plus VAT
per line or £5.17 plus VAT per column centrimetre."
Ie a reasonable sized ad would probably be about 25 quid, towards
which i wouldnt mind contributing
2009/2/9 alan c <>:
> Paul Sutton wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> You could probably go with having MS on the admin network, then Linux or
>> fre softare on the academic network,
>> eventually people will filter through who can and want to use
>> alternatives, then chance will come
>> problem is MS seem to have a huge marketing budget, and are
> Marketing!
> Marketing is the key skill with a company such as MS. It is also the
> weakest point with FOSS.
> Marketing has short term obvious goals and also much longer term,
> subtle, goals. The trick that MS have and probably will continue to
> pull is a long term very wide game. Even huge resources such as US
> national or European systems find difficulty with bringing the
> monopoly wagon to heel, once it is successfully rolling along,
> seemingly downhill. There has been a very successful heavy momentum
> built up, a very heavy wagon, rolling downhill.
> I have believed for a long time and I  still believe that the least we
> can do in the UK is to have a UK list focussed on UK marketing Ubuntu.
> Not a shared list, a specific and focussed list.
> If it turns out that there are not many subscribers then at least the
> problem is clear to see! It can be addressed. Very few FOSS
> enthusiasts are keen on marketing, and I think a UK specialist list
> will get the best from what little resource we have.
> At the local Computer Fair yesterday that I am fortunate to display
> at, a lad of about 10 years took a Parted Magic CD, his father was
> there in support. The intended action was to resize a Windows
> partition or similar, with FOSS, for FOSS.
> It will take at least another 10 years before that particular lad gets
> close to a position of influence in an organisation, perhaps 15 years.
> *That* is the time scale of change, and much longer if it is not
> driven hard by focussed, determined people.
> *Now* is a good time to start!
> --
> alan cocks
> Ubuntu user #10391
> Linux user #360648
> --


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