Rowan, I think we are all confused that it didn't "just work" as this
concept is a bit alien to us :-)

Lets start from the beginning.

1. Are the lights on the ethernet ports on both the computer and the BT
box green/orange flashing etc ?

2. You say you have "a multitude" of ports. How many Ethernet ports?
(Setting up USB is likely to be more difficult).

3. Is the ethernet cable you have a normal CAT 5e cable? (I think there
is a different type of cable with the same plug used for ADSL cable or

4. Have you tried using a different network cable?

5. In the terminal, ("Applications->Accessories->Terminal"), can you
type "sudo lshw | grep eth" (and enter your password). If there is no
output then we can assume there is a driver problem. Otherwise it should
list any ethernet ports.
6. If you go to the terminal and type "ifconfig" what is the output?

... and then we can take it from there.


On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 16:43 +0000, Rowan wrote:
> I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I made it clear in my first post 
> that it didn't just work out of the box like that. You all seem to 
> assume I haven't even attempted to configure it, but if you read my 
> first message, I state that I have attempted to connect in the 
> straighforward way already, and also attempted to use the Network  
> Connections panel in the computer (which presumably follows a familiar 
> Ubuntu layout) but I see no Ethernet option there.


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