I think we have provided immense amounts of information detailing
exactly the commands that Rowan needs to recompile and reinstall his
driver. Either he knuckles down and tries it ...

I already did just that, I believe:

type the following as root or using sudo to rebuild the r8168 driver:
cd /root/lc2000/r8168-8.008.00
make clean modules
make install
depmod -a

"cd /root/lc2000/r8168-8.008.00" had to be entered without sudo.
"make clean modules" required sudo and gave result as follows:

make -C src/ clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/lc2000/r8168-8.008.00/src'
rm -rf *.o *.ko *~core* .dep* .*.d .*.cmd *.mod.c *.a *.s .*.flags .tmp_version
s Module.symvers Modules.symvers *.order
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/lc2000/r8168-8.008.00/src'
make -C src/ modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/root/lc2000/r8168-8.008.00/src'
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.24-23-generic/build SUBDIRS=/src modules
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-23-generic'
scripts/Makefile.build:41: src/Makefile: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `src/Makefile'.  Stop.
make[2]: *** [_module_/src] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-23-generic'
make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/lc2000/r8168-8.008.00/src'
make *** [modules] Error 2

Alan Pope wrote:
> On 05/03/2009, Sean Miller <s...@seanmiller.net> wrote:
>> I really think you're wasting your time, Rowan, dealing with them.
> Harsh.
>>  I am convinced that if you let Ubuntu simply install itself you'll
>>  have all your issues fixed.
> I'd be willing to bet that's not the case. Look at it from LC point of
> view. They want to ship a laptop running Ubuntu but they _know_ the
> driver that ships with Ubuntu is "broken" or "sub-optimal" so they go
> to the effort of getting the source and building a decent driver into
> their build of Ubuntu.
> They clearly have made some effort making a recovery CD which can
> revert everything back to factory default which says to me they are
> far from clueless.
> The fact is that they have a luckless and clueless (his words) user
> who doesn't understand how these things fit together. It's not easy
> supporting someone who has only just started out on this journey, and
> I think we should pay LC some respect for trying.
>>  It is one of the things we've been taught to do, phone or e-mail the
>>  supplier in the first instance, but when it comes to Linux I have
>>  never felt it to be the right move.  If the machine is not "mature"
>>  (ie. filled with applications, files and whatever) it's often far
>>  better to simply wipe it and start again.
> You're not Rowan though. You have orders of magnitude more skill and
> experience in use of Linux than he appears to. If he goes for a
> vanilla install of Ubuntu it's entirely likely that he'll end up with
> some level of brokenness somewhere and no support from LC.
>>  What do others think?
> I think we have provided immense amounts of information detailing
> exactly the commands that Rowan needs to recompile and reinstall his
> driver. Either he knuckles down and tries it, or he takes his laptop
> to a local Linux User Group (or even a remote one :) ) and gets
> someone to look at it with/for him.
> Cheers,
> Al.


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