2009/4/8 alan c <aecl...@candt.waitrose.com>:
> Gitso:
> Thanks for the heads up! I have used it  - and it works!   :-)
> I will be using it a lot more in future to support friends and family
> with ubuntu.
> I am also using vnc with ssh tunnel to support a particular person,
> and I have been trying to fathom what the differences in security are
> between the two approaches - gitso and vnc in ssh tunnel.
> As far as I can see, gitso does not invoke ssh at all, so in principle
> the streams are not inherently secured.
> I have concluded that security issues are acceptable as long as
> 1) in giving support I do not key anything confidential in at my end
> such as the supportee's passwords because the character information is
> transmitted unencrypted, and
> 2)  the supportee does not type anything into the screen which is
> confidential such as credit card number, during a session, since
> credit card number is shown on the screen which is shown visibly
> I also conclude that if the supportee types in their password
> themselves it is ok because all that is shown on screen is dots, and
> their password keystrokes are not transmitted to my end, only dots.
> I trust my conclusions are correct (?) Any comments will be much
> appreciated.

I wouldn't agree with the second conclusion. Have you seen the image
recognition stuff the spammers have for cracking captchas?



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