On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 08:54 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 10:22 PM, Ben Crisford <bencrisf...@yahoo.co.uk> 
> wrote:
> > I heard this yeah.  I thought that the origin one made linux sound like some
> > disease.  I didn't like it.
> Like you, I enjoyed the winning one but wasn't too keen on the Origin
> one.  Too dark and gloomy, whereas the winner was light and airy and
> "fresh".
> Sean

<Rant coming> :-D

I would like to offer opinion on these videos, but as a user who doesn't
use proprietary formats - I'm screwed!

- All videos viewable online using flash.
- The winning entry is available for download as a Windows Media Video.
  Oh and an ogg but the file is a dud at 0x0 resolution - Have fun
  getting totem (or your player of choice) to play that one. ;-)
- Runner up has no download version.
- The third place video is available as a MOV.

Well done to the Linux Foundation - We're Linux ay? :-(

<Rant over>

Happy Easter holidays to all.



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