On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 11:24 +0100, Harry Rickards wrote:
> > Indeed the file does play under VLC.
> >
> > http://twitpic.com/399a3/full
> >
> > I suspect some bastardisation along the way here with the format. The
> > "DIRECTX_DURATION=0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" element would point towards this
> > coming from a Windows tool that isn't keeping to the file format(s)
> > correctly.
> >
> > This so called ogg really needs pulling and fixing.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Phil
> >
> Try the ogg at http://fwot.info/free.ogv
> Thanks
> Harry

Thanks Harry. Maybe you should offer it up to the foundation to replace
the one already there. As of my last post I viewed and also converted
all the winning entries and as most did enjoy the winners a lot. :-)

But lets do the old brass tacks here. The Linux Foundation with poor
organisation and execution is not covering itself or the community it
purports to represent with any glory here; and failing to promote open
standards and formats in the first instance as I think they should be.

Hopefully the same mistakes will not happen in future.



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