Tony Travis wrote:
> Ian Pascoe wrote:
>> [...]
>> 2.  What can be connected to the Home Hub USB ports?  Most mass storage 
>> devices will work "out of the box".  Apparently the Home Hub has SAMBA 
>> built in to aid with this. IP address
> Hello, Ian.
> Thanks for the Jungle tip! I'd no idea the HomeHub could have a disk 
> attached to its USB port: I just assumed it was there to connect a PC or 
> game console without an ethernet port. Have you or anyone else used a BT 
> Home Hub as a Samba server?
> Bye,
>       Tony.
I'll give it a try later on.  I presume the IP address is the one that 
the router is configured to rather than specifically  
IIRC the Home Hub that I got came pre-configured to 
although I changed this to fit in with my network.



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