On Wed, 20 May 2009 10:31:41 +0100, Sean Miller <s...@seanmiller.net> wrote:

> I don't understand why you would have had know anything about
> partitioning, John - the Ubuntu installer will do that for you.
> You just tell it how much space you want to allocate to Ubuntu and it
> "steals" it out of the free space on the existing partition.
> I am just a subscriber to the "keep it simple" way of thinking, and
> adding an extra layer of complication (as Wubi does) seems to have no
> great advantage.
> Don't get me wrong!  The Wubi developers can probably feel very
> pleased with themselves that they've done it, it's an achievement, but
> quite why they bothered I don't know.  They could have been creating
> something that actually had a use, other than to install the same
> Ubuntu in a different place.
> I have tried Wubi about 4 times on this laptop and others and every
> time it's been an absolute disaster, so I guess I'm jaded.  Some
> systems clearly like it and others do not.
> Sean

I had to use a Wubi install last night as my father's computer's DVD drive is 
failing and I was too tired at the time to mess about doing anything else.
The use-case scenarios might be limited in number, but they do exist.


Humanity is where the falling angel meets the rising ape.


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