> I just took a snapshot of what is in my Software Sources, and the Local 
> Rep isnt there.
> http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v420/jmatt21/Misc/?action=view&current=Sofsource01.png
> Where did that go?
> John

Hi John,

I've just checked, and it doesn't appear in mine, even though the
Local/main repo is in synaptic. At a guess (and I can't find any info to
confirm/deny this...) the local repo is an internal repo to synaptic, so
will need synaptic refreshed to find it? 

I assume you've clicked reload in synaptic? If that fails then try sudo
dpkg-reconfigure synaptic

I've had a play using your now sources.list in my synaptic and some of
them appeared before refreshing then disappeared. I assume this was
because those packages don't appear in the repos so they're put into
this local list? 

I shouldn't worry about it, they where probably there because of the
broken sources list, and now exist in the real sources list!

-Matt Daubney

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