Matthew Daubney wrote:
> <snip>
>> I just took a snapshot of what is in my Software Sources, and the Local 
>> Rep isnt there.
>> Where did that go?
>> John
> Hi John,
> I've just checked, and it doesn't appear in mine, even though the
> Local/main repo is in synaptic. At a guess (and I can't find any info to
> confirm/deny this...) the local repo is an internal repo to synaptic, so
> will need synaptic refreshed to find it? 
> I assume you've clicked reload in synaptic? If that fails then try sudo
> dpkg-reconfigure synaptic
> I've had a play using your now sources.list in my synaptic and some of
> them appeared before refreshing then disappeared. I assume this was
> because those packages don't appear in the repos so they're put into
> this local list? 
> I shouldn't worry about it, they where probably there because of the
> broken sources list, and now exist in the real sources list!
> -Matt Daubney
Oh ok, thank you. I have refreshed the list. I only wondered about the 
Loc Repos because I'm looking at my netbook, and they show in there. But 
that's ok if it is the same with yours.

I just have to get my flash working now. I just cannot get it to work at 
all. Its driving me up the wall. I didnt realise so many sites us it. 
I've gone through everything I can think of to get it to work, but 
nothing. FF freezes for ages if there's flash on a page. I keep flash on 
because of watching bbci programs and youtube, that wont even work.



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