Matthew Daubney wrote:
> Hi John,
> Sorry about the slow reply, can you send us the contents of the
> about:plugins page in Firefox? (just type about:plugins into the address
> bar). For reference mine says something along the lines of 
> Shockwave Flash
>         File name:
>         Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22
> We just need to see if you have conflicting flash players installed. I
> might not be able to reply until this evening, stupid exam this
> afternoon (Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics II, urgh). Hopefully
> someone else can help mend this before I get back though.
> -Matt Daubney
Oh wow, all the best for the exams today, they sound difficult. Wouldnt 
have a clue where to even start with that.

I took a copy, and posted it here

Hope that helps.



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