Wow I must say that's a comprehensive plan of action there. I'm going  
to print off that email itself and bring it in this Saturday.

I was thinking myself of the dualboot option, but I settled on the  
idea of WINE being OK for most needs.

Would it be possible to customize a Linux install disk to already have  
these packages installed automatically? Similar to n/vlite on Windows.

We don't have an online shop as such - the conclusion I've come to is  
that it would cost too much to transport the computers to other parts  
of the country. It's a good idea though.

I'll let y'all know how it goes anyway.


On 26 May 2009, at 21:23, alan c <> wrote:

> James Milligan wrote:
>> Let me just say that I couldn't think of a better title for this, so
>> please  improve it if you can!
>> The shop I work in sells desktop computers that are built to order
>> each time, meaning the OS too. We also sell laptops by ASUS but  
>> that's
> [...]
> Have you considered selling dual boot computers? I know it is
> currently unconventional, and would give most readers here indigestion
> at the thought, but from my experience most 'customers' are already
> hooked on Windows and invariably want Windows still in place on their
> computers, but they ALSO want Ubuntu to give them an elegant 'escape'
> route. If nothing prevents then using Ubuntu such as an incompatible
> printer, then experience suggests they will use Ubuntu more and more
> with time.
> In a high street retail environment, the offer of 'Added Value' of
> dual boot would lead to a higher purchase price. If the price is too
> low this will seem illogical to a Windows 'Retail' customer. My guess
> would be an extra 50 pounds for Ubuntu dual boot, with Ubuntu
> configured with as many media codecs and flash, as possible. If the
> hardware is compatible that should take less than one hour, maybe half
> hour.
> You will then be continuing Windows support for a time, and also be in
> a position to support learning of Ubuntu use. You will become known
> locally as the escape route from Windows. I believe that the type of
> person who will buy a pre installed Ubuntu PC in a high street store
> will be happy to pay extra and be even happier that it is dual boot.
> You will get a fair amount of in person visits to ask this or that
> question - they will come to the shop and see something and buy  it,
> when talking to you. More business.
> My estimate is that it will take the customers approximately two years
> before they want to discard Windows altogether.
> Meanwhile you can still offer Ubuntu only PCs to those that want them
> preinstalled (for the same price or a little more than Windows PCs??).
> You will also get a market, (perhaps online sales?), for naked PCs
> which you know are compatible with Ubuntu. Personally, I do not have
> much need for a pre installed PC, however I do have a regular (sort
> of) need to buy hardware that I will install into, and it is always a
> bit of a gamble about the hardware.
> -- 
> alan cocks
> Ubuntu user #10391
> Linux user #360648
> -- 


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