
Rowan Berkeley wrote:
> Some of you may recall my white elephant 'Linux Certified' machine.  I
> can't call LC its manufacturers, since they aren't: they just bought a
> batch of Compal JHL90 notebooks and shoved a version of Ubuntu with a
> non-standard interface driver onto them (because they said, it was more
> stable than the standard driver), thus making them non-updatable.
> I ran mine with the standard driver, making it updatable, and it went
> dead, with, according to local engineers, a chipset fault, after four
> months. I sent it back to its vendors in California over a month ago,
> with a note saying I didn't want it repaired and returned, I wanted my
> money back. Since then I have heard nothing.
> I don't feel too keen on whatever the international version of the Small
> Claims Court is, but I do feel that, given that they call themselves
> 'Linux Certified,' Mr Pauling, who owns the name 'Linux', might be
> interested. How do I contact him, or his organisation, whatever it is? 


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