On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:15 AM, Alan
Bell<alan.b...@theopenlearningcentre.com> wrote:
> Rowan - this may be the organisation you wish to complain to - was also
> partly referenced to by Alan Pope earlier:
> one of the Alans, but not the Popey

This thread simply proves to me that people should all have unique first names.

Anyway, the Linux Mark website gives a way to report abuse of the
trademark, but I don't see a way to discover if someone actually has a
sub-license to use it already. Linux Certified /do/ give the proper
attribution on their site, so that much is good.

However I don't see that chasing them for trademark violations is
going to make any difference whatsoever. If they are without a license
to use it then they may simply apply for one, and that's simple
enough. I don't (yet?) believe that LC are Bad People as such, even if
you have had a hard time with a device they sold you. I think you
should try and continue communication with them to resolve any issues
before trying to find ways to get at them like this.



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