Paul Sutton wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Liam Wilson wrote:
>> Neil Greenwood wrote:
>>> 2009/10/21 James Milligan <>:
>>>> Apologies - sent that a little early!
>>>> He did go on to talk about it a little bit, but it did come across as
>>>> a geek OS, he said that 'people' just want something that works, and
>>>> don't have to fuss about with it.
>>>> All in all, I do have to say that Windows 7 is very nice compared to
>>>> Vista.
>>>> James
>>>>> Did anyone else watch BBC News this morning?
>>>>> Whilst showing off Windows 7, the tech correspondent showed a Mac with
>>>>> Safari open on
>>>>> Didn't actually mention the name etc, but said about other OSes.
>>>>> James
>>> On BBC Breakfast, Rory Cellan-Jones was demonstrating multi-touch on
>>> Windows 7. He said he normally uses a different system, then went on
>>> to say that Apple were trying to spoil the launch by announcing new
>>> products recently, and that free software was going to celebrate the
>>> launch of a new Ubuntu version next week (he pronounced it right too)!
>>> Cofion,
>>> Neil.
>> Yeah, but he also sort of played it down a bit by just dismissing it as 
>> "A bunch of enthusiasts trying to persuade us..." and then basically 
>> just dismissing it completely!
>> I also noticed dell has done this a little on thier Windows Vs. Ubuntu page:
>> I also noticed it spelt programs wrong xD
> it may be worth clicking on feedback adn commenting,
> This seems more like MS FUD, than facts, but by commenting we can set
> the record straight, open office can load / save office 07 files for
> example, Ubuntu is for more than just programming, even though that
> option is nice, something I can't use windows for unless i buy more
> software.
> Ubuntu may not be able to run MS office directly but it can using
> crossover office,  or install Open office which I assume by 3.1 can now
> open / save office 07 file format.  Odf is also an ISO standard, so that
> may be significant, or pushing it a bit too far for them to cope with.
> Perhaps we can work out what to write here, submit that,
> Paul
> - --
> Paul Sutton
> Ubuntu 9.10 out 29th October 2009 -
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkrfPn8ACgkQaggq1k2FJq05vgCePWNBRan77IA1assdOFMXzeO3
> HpUAn2+HVjsZSQ34BGrqEyz70sbXKbV2
> =7Nof
Yeah, I noticed there was feedback button, so I posted:

[I noticed on the Windows Or Ubuntu page, you stated that "Ubuntu is not 
compatible with Microsoft Office Software". I would like to inform you 
that Ubuntu is compatible with Microsoft Office files, and I think it 
would be worthwhile putting this on the webpage.

Also, you Spelt Programs wrong.]

It also say's on the Dell Ubuntu page, that you can _ONLY_ use FOSS 
software. I shall too ask for this to be changed. I sound picky, but it 
bugs me!



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