Just a quick comment about the style of training. There are four styles of
learning, which someone will naturally fall into. These, typically are put
onto a cross-hairs style graph.

              Theory first
              Practical second

Instructor                  Experimentation
Lead.                          Driven

              Practical first
              Theory second.

If you can ensure you cover off all four areas in your training, that'd be a
good starting point.

A few years back I ran training courses on Linux for helpdesk staff I was
working with. Sadly, I've lost what I wrote at the time, but I'd be more
than happy to help write some of the courseware.
Jon ""The Nice Guy"" Spriggs LPIC-1 Certified
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On 17 Jan 2010 12:03, "Matthew Daubney" <m...@daubers.co.uk> wrote:

On 17/01/10 04:08, Bruno Girin wrote:
> <snippy snip snip>

> I've given technical training in the past and would be happy to help. >
The first question is what...
This sounds like the best idea at first. I would _love_ to eventually do
a large event, but starting small would be much easier logistically.

> The biggest hurdle will probably be to find locations and equipment to >
run the trainings. This ...
Yes, my initial thought in all this was that people will learn more by
acrtually doing something than by sitting and having someone talk to
them. Most of the basic stuff can be taught this way (I believe, but
please feel free to correct me as I've never really trained people
before) but more advanced stuff may require a certain amount of being
lectured too.

> In terms of material, I agree that there's no point in having a slide >
deck as trainees will pro...
At one point there was a proposal to make a DVD from the screencasts, if
we could create a set of screencasts with some kind of leaflet to go
with it giving some exercises we could achieve two aims at once.

> Computers will be essential. However, it may be difficult to convince >
whatever training centre ...
Yes, this is true. If it comes to it I may be able to borrow a pile of
SATA HDD's from work which we could swap out the training centres ones
with. This would require more work though, so I'm not convinced of it's
worth. USB Keys may be the way forward, and if we use Live ones than we
can just reboot machines to get a fresh environment between classes.

>> Would anybody be interested in attending such a thing? >> > Definitely!
There are lots of t...
Excellent! From the brief burst of discussion I'm quite taken aback at
how much thought people have put into this! I'll attempt to distill most
of this discussion into the wiki over the course of the day to make it
easier to refer too.

>> This could be quite a large undertaking, so please get involved if >>
you're in the least bit int...
Indeed. It may be best then to create a syllabus for absolute beginners,
and then work upwards. I'll be quite happy to run a session at Oggcamp
(for those who are planning to attend) to run some real life discussion
on this.

-Matt Daubney

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