On 31/01/2010 14:37, Steve wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 14:30:51 -0000, Michael Douglas<meh...@mehall.co.cc>
> wrote:
>> Using new thread, but replying to Liam:
>> Negative reinforcement is much more effective than positive, ask any
>> number of companies, or politicians/election campaigners. Do it right,
>> so that you seem to have respect for your opponent, but make yourself
>> seem better, and it's very popular (See: Mac vs. PC ads)
> If done right.  If done wrong you end up looking a right prat.
Personally I like the Novell spoof ads of Mac vs PC vs Linux, but 
they're a little out of date now as they mention Leopard and Vista, not 
to mention they are Novell branded.



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