On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 7:47 PM, Alan Lord (News) <alansli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One of the interesting aspects of the design (if it's similar to what we
> saw a couple of years ago) is that it is all centralised, so they can
> update the OS remotely adding new features etc. As the OS, UI *and* all
> applications are in their control they can manage hardware resources etc.

As I said earlier, this is the bit that scares me.  What is going to
happen if the company decides its time has come and moves on?  Or goes
out of business???  At the moment, I can buy a second-hand laptop on
e-bay of 1999 vintage and it still works as it was intended to do.
Add a PCMCIA wireless card, download an up-to-date browser and it is
useful if not "cutting edge"...  what will these Alex laptops be doing
in 11 years time??  Will they even function?!?!?



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