Ubuntu tweak is an application that allows you to "tweak" parts of Ubuntu. It 
is available here:


On 25 Feb 2010, at 20:39, Paul Sutton wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Jonathon Fernyhough wrote:
>> On 25 February 2010 19:19, Dianne Reuby <pramc...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> I logged out and back in, and I get icons now, but they're for my
>>> Documents folder.
>>> I tried rebooting, and still get the same.
>>> Everything seems to be working OK, except that the Desktop folder with a
>>> few documents and a couple of shortcuts is gone.
>> Somehow you've toggled the Nautilus setting "Use Home directory as Desktop"
>> Press Alt-F2 to bring up the Run Application dialogue box, type
>> gconf-editor and click Run.
>> Browse to apps/nautilus/preferences and clear the tickbox "
>> desktop_is_home_dir "
>> You will have to log out and back in to see the effect.
>> If you have ubuntu-tweak installed it's also present as a preference in 
>> there.
>> Jonathon
> what is ubuntu-tweak, i tried to search for it in synaptic and can't
> find it, ?
> Paul
> - --
> Paul Sutton
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