Dianne Reuby wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 15:04 +0000, Matthew Daubney wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Does anyone have a ZX Spectrum 48k+ kicking around they don't want
>> anymore? I don't mind if it doesn't run up, largley I'm after the case
>> and keyboard. 
> I think all ours at the museum are working, but I'll ask around tomorrow
> to see if anyone has got one you could use. We often get offers from
> visitors, so there  seem to be plenty still around.
> These modern PC thingy's will never take off. 
> Dianne
LOL, I've got a breadbin style C64 in the loft, I'm undecided if I 
should leave it as is (it's dead), bung a MiniITX board in there or wire 
up one of those C64 joysticks to it.

The wife isn't too happy though with my 'collection of junk'.  Well it's 
not really a collection as such, certainly not along the lines of the 
Museum Of Computing, I've got a VIC20, dead C64, Acorn Electron and a 
Speccy, oh and a few games consoles.



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