On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 19:58 +0000, Rob Beard wrote:
> LOL, I've got a breadbin style C64 in the loft, I'm undecided if I 
> should leave it as is (it's dead), bung a MiniITX board in there or wire 
> up one of those C64 joysticks to it.
> The wife isn't too happy though with my 'collection of junk'.  Well it's 
> not really a collection as such, certainly not along the lines of the 
> Museum Of Computing, I've got a VIC20, dead C64, Acorn Electron and a 
> Speccy, oh and a few games consoles.

Ah the good old VIC20! The first computer I ever got my hands on at
school and the reason why I ended up doing a career in computing :-) It
got me lots of street cred at school as I was the only one who was
interested enough to learn how to load and run the games on it (Blitz in
particular: can't beat a game that just requires you to press the space
bar at the right moment in order to play it, none of that first person
shooter malarkey).



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