Hi Tony

Well, it's because the BIOS tells GRUB what it thinks the disks are
> while the USB disk is still connected...

Thanks! At least I know what to do now :-)

> I'm still not able to get Thunderbird running 'Lightning' in 64-bit,
> though - Anyone else succeeded? I've installed the ia32 libraries.

Are you using TB3.x ? Its much better than the previous releases imo. Im
running 3.04. Are you saying the lightning extension does not work on

> I'm still undecided about Evolution, but at least the Calendar works!

Evolution had one thing missing - no undo if you accidentally delete an
email - a small thing but a real pain. I asked about it on the Evolution
mailing list and apprently its not planned to be added in anytime soon, a
shame as evolution is a good program. I do prefer Thunderbird though and the
new searching and tabbing is a big improvement.



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