On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 16:11 +0100, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 15:50 +0100, Daniel Drummond
> <dmdrummo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Actually Rowan, ask all the questions you want.  You are learning
> > here. The livecd offers no benefits to the process, in fact using an
> > up to date system, rather than an out-of-date livecd may be a better
> > idea, if purely for any bugfixes that may be present in the up to date
> > system. Just back up your data before you do it.  Worst case scenario
> > then is a reinstall, which with Ubuntu takes about 20 mins, during
> > which you can choose your partitions to be laid out exactly how you
> > want.  Then of course you have to configure the system, but if you
> > have backed up your home directory (which will store much of the
> > configuration), then it's just installing programs and updates. Daniel
> Thank you Daniel :-) In fact, I ought to make myself an up to date Live
> CD, anyway. By 'up to date' I suppose I mean 10.4 LTS, though I am still
> running 9.10. I have wanted to know for ages, though: when you download
> the whole thing from the Ubuntu site and burn it to disk, is what you
> are getting the entire 'Live CD', including the ability to run the thing
> from the disk and check it out before installing it (or, as we are
> discussing, use it as a maintenance platform)? Or does 'Live CD' refer
> to some special compilation over and above what you get in the
> download? 
A Live CD is a disc which has the ability to run without installation to
a computer's media.  The standard Ubuntu CD you download from the Ubuntu
website http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download is a Live CD, and
contains everything it needs to run from the CD, and it includes an
installer.  The alternate text-based installer cd is not a Live CD, as
it's primary task is just as an installation medium.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live_CD for more info.



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